Setting Compatibility in Internet Explorer 11   

Step (1): While you are on This Page: Open the (Tools) menu, by clicking the gear icon at the top right:    IE-gear-rev

     Note:You can also display the Tools menu bar by holding the (Alt) key down while clicking (T).


Step (2): Click Compatibility View Settings.
              This is located near the bottom of the Tools menu.


Step (3): Click the (Add) Button.
              The program will automatically add one of the websites which stream your videos.


Step (4): Add Second Website:
              You must manually type in the second website: and click the (Add) Button again.
              You may now close the menu.


Step (5): Close your browser and then re-open.
              Close all open pages in Internet Explorer.
              Then re-launch Internest Explorer from you desktop.


Step (6): Login to restart your class.
              Navigate to ( and login.
              Restart your class.
              Click on the last slide: "Finish and Receive Credit" and follow the prompts to receive credit.


        You may use the following link to easily login: